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Welcome To Our Blog!

Kingston Vale Montessori Nursery School for 2 to 5 year olds has been established since 1981. The school operates from two main rooms in

St John’s Church Hall in Kingston Vale. The nursery serves local families from a range of backgrounds and cultures by providing places for children each weekday morning from 09.15 to 12.45 term time only.

The aim of our school is to provide excellent Montessori education in a happy, relaxed and secure environment. The philosophy of Montessori education emphasises the potential of the individual in ways specific to each child at their own learning pace. Our teachers are trained in the use of the special Montessori teaching materials. These provide each child with a variety of multi -sensory learning experiences and we structure the use of these within our broader curriculum which shares the underlying principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Friday 25 September 2015

We have had a fabulous week at Kingston Vale Montessori. The Caterpillars and Butterflies have settled in and, this week, both classes focussed on colour.

The Caterpillars got creative and did a lot of painting using different colours. They also looked at shades of colours ranging from light to dark. Their art work can be admired in their classroom.

The Butterflies were busy too. Inspired by the Elmer stories, the Butterflies created a large Elmer glueing lots of coloured bits of paper onto a paper elephant. The colourful Elmer has been surrounded by grey painted elephants onto which the children have painted the numbers 1 - 10 themselves.

Both classes made colourful fruit skewers, explored the seaside in their dance and movement class, sang songs and played musical instruments in their music class and enjoyed their weekly Teddy Tennis lesson on Friday morning.

After their Teddy Tennis lesson, the Butterflies put on their wellies and ventured over to the Church Garden for their weekly nature exploration. This week, we found different coloured things in nature and matched them to the colours on the large colourful parachute we had brought with us. We found brown, yellow, green and red leaves, green grass, purple flowers and a lot of acorns! We brought our finds back with us to the classroom where we mixed primary colours red, yellow and blue to create the colours of our nature finds.

Finally, the Butterflies are visited weekly this term by puppets Bella and Maxie. Through songs and role play, the puppets are used to help the children to understand the classroom golden rules, supporting the development of social skills such as saying hello, listening, turn-taking, sharing and asking for help. More information can be found on the Butterflies board in the hall.

Have a lovely weekend, we look forward to seeing the children next week.

P.S. Some of you have asked for further information about "w-sitting", discussed in Wednesday's post. There are some interesting articles to be found online:



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