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Welcome To Our Blog!

Kingston Vale Montessori Nursery School for 2 to 5 year olds has been established since 1981. The school operates from two main rooms in

St John’s Church Hall in Kingston Vale. The nursery serves local families from a range of backgrounds and cultures by providing places for children each weekday morning from 09.15 to 12.45 term time only.

The aim of our school is to provide excellent Montessori education in a happy, relaxed and secure environment. The philosophy of Montessori education emphasises the potential of the individual in ways specific to each child at their own learning pace. Our teachers are trained in the use of the special Montessori teaching materials. These provide each child with a variety of multi -sensory learning experiences and we structure the use of these within our broader curriculum which shares the underlying principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Sunday 4 October 2015

A week of colour...

This week, the Caterpillars and Butterflies continued to look at colour. With the autumn sun creating the most stunning colours in nature, it was a fabulous week to focus on this theme.

Both the Caterpillars and the Butterflies made rainbow biscuits. The recipe can be found here: http://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/rainbow-butter-cookies. The Butterflies also learnt the names of the colours in Spanish from our Montessori student teacher, Miss Julia.

Dance and movement on Wednesday was very exciting as the children acted out the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. On Thursday, Mr. Ed kept the children much entertained in their weekly music class. Mr. Ed writes a lot of his own music and incorporates various dance moves for the children as well which keeps them very engaged.

On Friday, Teddy Tennis had the children running around our make-shift court. The children were extremely focussed and hit some extremely good volleys!! After Teddy Tennis, the Butterflies went into the garden for football, balancing games, follow my leader as well as painting using things they found in the garden as paint brushes. While the Butterflies were outside, the Caterpillars were given free reign with the paints and painted their family, a crocodile and mummies and daddies. It was a wonderful morning.

Next week, harvest!!

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