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Kingston Vale Montessori Nursery School for 2 to 5 year olds has been established since 1981. The school operates from two main rooms in

St John’s Church Hall in Kingston Vale. The nursery serves local families from a range of backgrounds and cultures by providing places for children each weekday morning from 09.15 to 12.45 term time only.

The aim of our school is to provide excellent Montessori education in a happy, relaxed and secure environment. The philosophy of Montessori education emphasises the potential of the individual in ways specific to each child at their own learning pace. Our teachers are trained in the use of the special Montessori teaching materials. These provide each child with a variety of multi -sensory learning experiences and we structure the use of these within our broader curriculum which shares the underlying principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Wednesday 23 September 2015

The importance of movement

The children had another wonderful dance and movement session this morning at Nursery. The KVM Team strongly supports the view that physical development is fundamental to every aspect of a child's life. Its importance is also recognised in the EYFS in which physical development is listed as one of the prime areas of learning.

By encouraging the children to act out stories and move to music, our experienced dance teacher, Miss Debbie, easily engages the children's sense of imagination whilst simultaneously supporting their physical development. The children stretch, and increase their core and upper body strength, whilst also developing their proprioceptive sense.

Montessori believed that, when movement was involved in learning, concentration and understanding deepened. Montessori was of the opinion that children learn primarily by using their senses, increasing their understanding of the world around them whilst developing their cognitive skills.

As a Montessori Nursery, by focusing on physical development, we aim to:

- prepare the children for writing and other activities which require both strong gross and fine motor skills
- develop the children's ability to cross the body midline, an important prerequisite skill required for the appropriate development of various motor and cognitive skills
- build confidence as the child masters greater movement, becomes more independent and enjoys greater freedom to explore, play and learn
- support the children's social development as a greater range of movement skills allows the child to play with friends and join in games
- prevent common issues like "w-sitting" and "toe-walking" which may affect a child's physical wellbeing in adulthood.

If you would like any further information about physical development in general or your child's physical development in particular, please speak to your child's key worker or to Miss Wendelien, the Nursery SENCo.

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